Are Zelda fans the only people who are able take the fact that Ocarina Of Time isn’t the best thing since sliced bread?
Are Zelda fans the only people who are able take the fact that Ocarina Of Time isn’t the best thing since sliced bread?
BotW is only a good start for the franchise if you're aiming to just play the new games, because going back feels like a downgrade (which it is) according to BotW fans.
OoT is a good start for players who are aiming to play all the 3rd-person games, because you'll gradually see the development.
ALttP is a great start for the Top-Down portion, because it developed the basic formula for Zelda games.
I really like OOT and BOTW but I don't think there the godly games people make them out to be... Of give BOTW a 7 or 8 out of 10
Why did you send me a link to the rules?
Ah I see, Nathan already called me out on it.
He already told me I was spamming. Those replies are before he told me. I forgot about the rule
Oh ok we all make mistakes even me!