Let’s go! Trailer at E3. Yes!
Let’s go! Trailer at E3. Yes!
This is the best thing that has ever come into my life ever
I can't believe they're trying to outdo Breath of the Wild. We can wait and see, I guess. This sequel's either going to be even better (with more Zelda-like dungeons and variety in bosses and such) or not as good, failing at living up to the original.
So if that is Ganondorf's mummified corpse from Twilight Princess... then the sequel must only take place in the Child Timeline (Breath of the Wild was said to take place separately in all three), since the Adult Timeline's Ganondorf turned to stone in death and his body was later erased with the rest of the old Hyrule except the Master Sword.
Is he being resurrected by someone now he can no longer reincarnate? They're pulling a King Sombra, aren't they, and giving him more lines this time?
And is it going to be set in the exact same map as Breath of the Wild? That'll be interesting. Still, will anyone who has Breath of the Wild for Switch be able to fit this in their Switch's memory space?
Yes I saw the trailer when they showed ganondorf I freaked out.
It's gonna be so fun
Jumping in top down
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