Tomorrow Zeldapedia will be merged with Zelda Wiki.So,what are your feelings?
I would most definitely miss discussing here. I've only been here for just one and a half years and it's already going away. However, the merge will greatly benefit the Zelda community, with both sides pooling in information for the BEST Zelda encyclopedia.
@Tat Akpaleapik
That has nothing to do with this Discussion.
I feel absolutely sad. I will miss this place...
I make account here last month.On one day, I made my account.On next-I hear that zeldapedia will be merged.I think-“it’s just merging,so what’s special?”.
Two weeks later-I hear that all on this community will be archived.I were sad.Tomorrow,we will merge.I ,like you,loved this community and I don’t want say farewell to Zeldapedia.But,tomorrow,all zeldapedia will say final goodbye to our very loved community.(sorry for my ,maybe ,inaccurate English)