Wouldn't it be cool if a deku kingdom like the one in MM appeared in BotW (maybe in the Faron region)? Do you think that they would have the same role as the koroks, have their own champion or stay on Ganon's side?
I highly doubt that they will bring back the same Hyrule from BOTW without changing anything. One thing that i would be thrilled to do is rebuilding all the ruined cities, villages and buildings that we saw in BOTW.
There is also a very high chance in my opinion that new areas might be introduced. Maybe underground areas might have a more important role, since basically the whole trailer was set underground. Maybe in order to rebuild all of the ruines you might also need to do some research on what happened during the 100 years that Link and Zelda skipped, so researching underground ruins might be one of the new gameplay features in the sequel.
(sorry for grammar mistakes, English isn’t my first language)
It would be too awesome to be true
It would be interesting if they bring back the aliens from MM, maybe explaining their origins and, in case they are inter-dimensional characters, they could explain the relationship between Hyrule and Termina
1- Revali's gale
2- Mipha's grace
3- Daruk's shield
4- Urbosa's fury
Wouldn't it be cool if a deku kingdom like the one in MM appeared in BotW (maybe in the Faron region)? Do you think that they would have the same role as the koroks, have their own champion or stay on Ganon's side?
Yes, this seems accurate, thank you a lot
How many years there are between each game in the series (I'm talking about the timeline m, not real world years)
In OoA it takes 400 years for Jabu-Jabu to mature, and we know that Jabun from WW is the descendant of Jabu-Jabu from OoT, so there are about 400 years between OoT and WW.
If you have any other ideas, leave a comment
Do you think that Syrup, the witch from the Minish Cap, is the same witch found in the Oracle games?
I also think that the witch found in a Link between worlds could be Maple (Syrup's grandaughter in the Oracle games) since her Lorule counterpart is called Mapes.
I think that the wind tribe could have descended from the Skyloftians, but I also think that it's very unlikely that they turned into strange chickens. As for the Zuna, maybe they were just a tribe which lived outside of Hyrule, but then settled in for some reason.
I really liked Mipha and I wanted her to end up with Link (I mean, if she didn't die of course)
While I was playing albw Rosso caught my attention since he looks like he is the son of a Hylian and a Goron. There is also the Goron symbol on his belt and *SPOILER* since he is the sage of fire he could be the descendant of Darunia. So, do you think that an Hylian and a Goron can have a child together? (Sorry for my bad english, I'm italian)
LSD timeline