Something was released recently saying that this new game is even darker than majoras mask
I'm not very good at making up proper theories like you, but my guess is that the dead entity we saw at the end was Ganon's body and maybe, like you said, the Master sword is losing its power and somehow that connects to where Link and Zelda were
The rain. Stops you from climbing. The rain is a bigger enemy than Ganon
That would be pretty cool, and it would work for a game because of the timeline stuff and time travel stuff AND the different ages links in the different games.
Well I'm not sure if this is what you meant but when you get a quest the location of where you need to go shows up on the map
Because then the wiki will,as someone in the comments said, will become the 'one true Zelda wiki' with the combination of this wiki's and the Gamepedia's Zelda wikis content combined
^^^ They should have called it Links Re awakening... missed opportunity there
Twilight Princess and Botw definitely
Woaaa that's really good! Looks like the real thing
@ Coltrain yes I am as that one is amazinggg
Breath of the Wild Main Theme, Overworld Theme from the first game and the Orcarina of Time meledy
Ah which things
Also yes we need better dungeons, and not all of them should be shrines.
Possibly a side quest which includes boss battles AND puzzles?
Zoras and Hylians
The opening. It would be nothing short of epic.
Ocarina of Time
I heard the next game WILL be a sequel to BOTW. It was hinted in the post credits scene, where Link and Zelda talk about visiting Mipha's father in the Zora.
Nintendo were also hiring people who could develop dungeons, so we should (fingers crossed) be expecting something with those.
I'm not sure if it will be open world like breath of the wild, as it will most likely be a sequel of it, or if it will go back to closed-world like the rest of the games in the series.
But either way it's gonna be nothing short of EPIC
It can beat some, but all depends on what you prefer (personal opinion)
My opinion is that it is possibly just about equal to Splatoon 2, but definitely not Lets Go and sure as hell not Smash.
Smash is supreme