!!Disclaimer: this has nothing to do with plot, characters, races, actual gameplay, or anything besides what I talk about!!
What are your predictions on the next main series game (not a remake or crossover)? Will it have the same graphics as BotW? Will it be open world?
Personally I like the graphics of BotW so I think they should keep them. They seem a little to non-Zelda to me, I don’t why, but when I posted my dream of a plot it wouldn’t go well with BotW graphics. I would like a non-open world because I kinda liked the linear path of some games. It also helps because you know exactly where to go and don’t get confused. It’s nice so you don’t do stuff out of order even if you know how to, (ex. Beating ganon in BotW). And DLC would not be nice. But definitely a big world but not open world.