Today,we merging with Zelda Wiki.And I wanna say something.
I loved this community.Im newbie,just newbie,who come here last month.But,
All people on this community made this community cool and great place.Here
We have cool information-theories,races,Zelda games and other cool things.
Damn,I met cool people-Tindomiel3,SammyLinkAndZelda,NathanTheAsian332-And other great people who made this community cool and great place.
It’s hard like Battle with Thunderblight Ganon-But here we have battle with our feelings.When I writing this,I’m always cry.You can understand me, right?
We made cool posts and discussions that have reactions to the trailers of new Zeldas , theories and other.
Battle with your feelings-I think,hardest “boss battle”.Even harder than Thunderblight ganon.
If you think-“he is crying, haha,crybaby”-I’m just love Zelda games.And I’m love Zeldapedia.I love discussions.I don’t love say Farewell.
Like all of people here,I love Zelda games.And we love Zeldapedia.
I’m Forestbor.Lover of Zelda Series.My favorite Series.
Zeldapedia.We seen great discussions,great information.Great people.And great community.One of the greatest communities I ever seen.
Zeldapedia-Today you will merged.So,let me And all community say to you Farewell.
So,we lose battle with feelings.
Zeldapedia-let me and all community say you final goodbye.
Goodbye,Zeldapedia.I loved you.Farewell.