I am stuck in the dark palace in a link between worlds and i just cant seem to get the top RIGHT eye to light up and i was wondering if someone here could give me some steps on how to light it.
I am stuck in the dark palace in a link between worlds and i just cant seem to get the top RIGHT eye to light up and i was wondering if someone here could give me some steps on how to light it.
You could do the picture you get at the end of the champions ballad
I would really like to see a sequel to BOTW but i would like there to be underwater exploration and main dungeons should be more like traditional dungeons but i like the little puzzle dungeons scattered throughout hyrule as well, and maybe find a way to implement other zelda items without taking away from the open world concept such as a hookshot to help with climbing or maybe the lens of truth to help find korok like items
Definitley learn to parry (done by hitting A at the right time before an attack) and to flurry rush (done by backflipping or side stepping at the perfect rime) this will be an amazing help for combat.
More than i can count but i would like to attempt a play through where if i die i have to start the game over and try to play through without dying
All weapons except for the master sword cam break but the master sword is highly resilient before running out of energy, the hylian shield is the best possible shield to have in the game as well as it takes forever to break