where's wii
where's twilight princess or skyward sword?
Like that's annoying
and anyone voting Midna is weird af
I love 'em all
don't make me decide or I'll cry
not meeee
BOTW is amazing, however the feeling that you're truly playing a Zelda game is kinda gone
but tbh It's the only reason why I bought myself a switch
not change - add the zelda vibe to it
Way to much to count
all of 'em except the master sword
Link from a Link to the past and Link from BOTW are two different ppl
just capture a horse I botw and register it as Epona and voila
um... Link's awakening remake?
twilight princess Link is an adult, meaning he's probably the strongest
vah ruta was my first one
Zelda has short hair
of course it's gonna be amazing
longer... Nintendo has a lot to work on. and I mean A LOT, they have to make a remake of Link's awakening, many interviews now that they published the trailer to the sequel and they have extra work because they have to make many trailers to keep us zelda fans kalm now and knowing Nintendo they have a lot of amazing games to work on.