
"Robbie engineered these greaves at the research institute using the same technology found in Guardian automata. They reduce damage from ancient weaponry."
— In-game description.

Ancient Greaves are items from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. They are high-tech leg armor developed by the Sheikah Guardian researcher Robbie using the same technology as Guardians to increase resistance to ancient weaponry used by Guardians. As a result they grant the "Guardian Resist Up" bonus when worn which reduces damage from Guardian lasers and ancient weaponry wielded by Guardian Scouts making it the ideal armor for combatting Guardians.

Wearing a full set of "Ancient" armor provides an Ancient Proficiency set bonus that boosts damage dealt with "Ancient" and "Guardian" weaponry, however this set bonus only becomes available after all set pieces are upgraded to Level 2 or higher.

The set can be forged by the Ancient Oven Cherry at the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab in the Deep Akkala region after the lab's Furnace is lit using Blue Flame during the "Robbie's Research" side quest (Link only has to light the furnace and does not need to speak to Robbie or finish the quest to use Cherry to forge equipment). To forge it Cherry requires 20 Ancient Gears, 5 Ancient Springs, 3 Ancient Cores, and payment of 2,000 Rupees. This armor can be dyed at the Kochi Dye Shop.


Level Armor Buy Sell Effect Set Bonus
Basic 4 2,000 /w 125 Guardian Resist Up
7 N/A 160 Guardian Resist Up None
★★ 12 N/A 290 Guardian Resist Up Ancient Proficiency
★★★ 18 N/A 560 Guardian Resist Up Ancient Proficiency
★★★★ 28 N/A 735 Guardian Resist Up Ancient Proficiency


It can be enhanced by the Great Fairies.

Level Armor Effect Materials Set Bonus
Basic 4 Guardian Resist Up N/A None
7 Guardian Resist Up None
★★ 12 Guardian Resist Up
  • Ancient Spring (x15)
  • Ancient Gear (x10)
Ancient Proficiency
★★★ 18 Guardian Resist Up Ancient Proficiency
★★★★ 28 Guardian Resist Up Ancient Proficiency

See also[]
