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- File:Palace of Darkness Artwork.png
- File:Palace of Darkness.png
- File:Palace of the Four Sword (Below Level).png
- File:Palace of the Four Sword (Floor 1).png
- File:Palace of the Four Sword Entrance.png
- File:Pedestal of Time (A Link to the Past).gif
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- File:Pyramid (A Link to the Past).png
- File:Pyramid Artwork (A Link to the Past).png
- File:Sanctuary (A Link to the Past).png
- File:Sanctuary Interior (A Link to the Past).png
- File:Secret Passage.png
- File:Shooting Gallery Artwork (A Link to the Past).png
- File:Skeleton Forest.png
- File:Skull Woods.png
- File:Smithery.gif
- File:Spectacle Rock (A Link to the Past).png
- File:Sunken Island.png
- File:Swamp of Evil.png
- File:Swamp Palace.gif
- File:Swamp Palace.png
- File:Swamp Ruins artwork.png
- File:Swamp Ruins.png
- File:Thieves' Town Artwork.png
- File:Thieves' Town.png
- File:Throne Room (A Link to the Past).png
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- File:Tower of Hera Artwork.png
- File:Tower of Hera.png
- File:Treasure Chest Shop (A Link to the Past).png
- File:Treasure Field.png
- File:Triforce in the Golden Land.png
- File:Turtle Rock (A Link to the Past).png
- File:Turtle Rock Artwork (A Link to the Past).png