Forums: Index Watercooler "Jinxing Water" in Skyward Sword

I was looking around the wiki and I found that there was no article on the purple stuff found in Skyward Sword's fourth dungeon (Ancient Cistern). I think it's an article worth creating, just as how Lava and Malice were created. A quick note would be that it would need and Unofficial Name tag on it, because its name was never revealed (could be the same as Malice, but it was never directly mentioned) --Nathan_The_Asian332 (talk) 14:31, January 21, 2018 (UTC)

Why have you created the article? WiseAdventurer (talk) 18:04, January 23, 2018 (UTC)

I already created this forum, but I've been waiting every since then and nobody replied to me at all.--Nathan_The_Asian332 (talk) 19:46, January 23, 2018 (UTC)

Two days only! You see that currently the activity is low, and this is not a chat, discussion can take time in forum. WiseAdventurer (talk) 20:34, January 23, 2018 (UTC)
Aquamentus (Oracle of Seasons)
Oni Dark Link – "I don't know. But it's all right. Thank you for caring about me. And don't cry Mewtwo. You're alive and life is wonderful - Amber2"
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Information on the article in question can be found on the Jinx page.