Forums: Index Help desk Making images from 3-D Zelda games

I was wondering on how to make pictures for the 3-D Zelda games, such as locations, or characters, but without the HUD (hearts, magic meter, etc.)? They normally never disappear in game, yet every location at angles I recognize impossible have the HUD missing! Also would be helpful, but what kind of equipment do these people use for making images? I wanted to start adding images, but have no idea how to! I'm guessing Photoshop, and some sort of Capture Card... - McGillivray227 (talk) 07:07, January 2, 2010 (UTC)

AuronKaizer and I usually just crop out the HUD. Also, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but unless you have really good computer specs, especially for the location images, it would be best to let us take care of them.—Triforce 14Triforce4 13:31, January 2, 2010 (UTC)
I've used Photoshop a lot, and I understand the program completely. What equipment do you and AuronKaizer use to capture the images? -McGillivray227 (talk)
It's not the editing part I object to, its the specs required to get the quality and resolution of the image in the first place.—Triforce 14Triforce4 18:06, January 2, 2010 (UTC)
I see. I'll try, and if the quality/resolution is bad, I'll just drop it. I just have no way of getting the pictures to bring to the editing stage. I understand you completely though. - McGillivray227 (talk)
Well I personally use Project 64 for OoT and MM. Just turn up all the texture and graphics options as far as they will go and put it fullscreen when you take screenshots. Then you can just crop out the background. As far as the landscape images go, leave those to AK as he's particular about the resolution for them. For characters/items/etc just crop out the backgrounds.—Triforce 14Triforce4 18:22, January 2, 2010 (UTC)
Alright I'll leave the location ones alone for, and I'll come back if I have some problems with other pictures. - McGillivray227 (talk)