
The main events of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker unfold in the land of the Great Sea. The following is a list of locations that are featured or mentioned in the game.

Angular Isles[]

Bird's Peak Rock[]

Boating Course[]

Bomb Island[]

C-c-cold Island[]

Cliff Plateau Isles[]

Crescent Moon Island[]

Cyclops Reef[]

Diamond Steppe Island[]

Dragon Roost Island[]

Eastern Fairy Island[]

Eastern Triangle Island[]

Fire Mountain[]

Five-Eye Reef[]

Five-Star Isles[]

Flight Control Platform[]

Forest Haven[]

Forsaken Fortress[]

Four-Eye Reef[]

Gale Isle[]

Ghost Ship[]

Greatfish Isle[]

Hidden Holes[]

Headstone Island[]

Horseshoe Island[]


Ice Ring Isle[]

Islet of Steel[]

Lookout Platforms[]

Mother & Child Isles[]

Needle Rock Isle[]

Northern Fairy Island[]

Northern Triangle Isle[]

Outset Island[]

Overlook Island[]

Pawprint Isle[]

Private Oasis[]

Rock Spire Isle[]

Seven-Star Isles[]

Shark Island[]

Six-Eye Reef[]

Southern Fairy Island[]

Southern Triangle Island[]

Spectacle Island[]

Star Belt Archipelago[]

Star Island[]

Stone Watcher Island[]


Thorned Fairy Island[]

Three-Eye Reef[]

Tingle Island[]

Tower of the Gods[]

Two-Eye Reef[]

Western Fairy Island[]

Windfall Island[]
