
"A special mask for members of the Gerudo Secret Club. Painted with dye made from crushed luminous stones, it gives off a lurid, mysterious glow in the dark."
— In-game description

The Radiant Mask are an item from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Link can buy it from the Gerudo Secret Club and equip it as a head armor granting lure against the "Stal" enemies. When worn at night, the markings glow in the dark giving to Link's head a skull appearance. The mask itself somewhat resembles masks worn by wrestlers.

Set bonus[]

When all three pieces are upgraded to Level 2 (★★) and worn, Link receives a set bonus granting him a "Stal" disguise to blend in with Stalkoblins, Stalmoblins, and Stalizalfos. These enemies are lured to Link and will not attack him unless he hits them. This disguise also seems to partially work on other characters at night as they will act fearful of Link if he approach them. Link also receives a second "Bone Atk. Up" bonus increasing the attack power of Bokoblin Arms, Lizalfos Arms and Moblin Arms as weapons.


Level Armor Buy Sell Set Bonus
Basic 3 800

w/ Luminous Stone (x3)

5 N/A 305
★★ 8 N/A Disguise; Bone Atk. Up
★★★ 12 N/A Disguise; Bone Atk. Up


It can be enhanced by the Great Fairies.

Level Armor Materials Set Bonus
Basic 3
★★ 8 Disguise; Bone Atk. Up
★★★ 12 Disguise; Bone Atk. Up
★★★★ 20
  • Radiant Mask (x1)
  • Luminous Stone (x20)
  • Lynel Guts (x1)
Disguise; Bone Atk. Up


See also[]
