Ship Parts are items from The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. There are eight different types of parts, including prows, anchors, hulls, and others, and eight different sets of parts; the basic set (S.S. Linebeck) comes stocked with the ship. Based on combination of parts Link uses, he can get more Hearts for the S.S. Linebeck; for example, if Link uses only gold parts, the ship will have more stamina. If the ship has three or four parts of the same set, the ship's stamina increases to four Hearts; five or six of the same set makes five Hearts; and all of the same set makes seven Hearts. However, as the Linebeck set of parts comes stock on the ship, the ship will have the standard four Hearts even when all the Linebeck parts are equipped. The only exception to these sets are the Golden Ship Parts, which add additional Hearts when attached. If the Golden Ship is completed, the ship's health becomes maxed out at eight Hearts: a bonus for collecting the rarest Ship Parts.
Inaccuracy warning: This section contains information that could be inaccurate due to differences in various copies of games. Please take caution, for information may vary.
Selling Price
Passable Prow
0 Rupees
An average prow that came equipped on the S.S. Linebeck.
Linebeck Set
Bell Prow
50-1500 Rupees
This bell doesn't chime, but it gives the prow a nice look.
Bright Set
Drill Prow
50-1500 Rupees
Broken, and nobody in the world has the parts to fix it.
Iron Set
Mermaid Prow
50-1500 Rupees
The design was based on eyewitness accounts!
Stone Set
Log Prow
50-1500 Rupees
Made with waterproof lumber, so it's surprisingly valuable.
Vintage Set
Demon Prow
50-1500 Rupees
A prow adorned with a scowling demon. Very...intense.
Demon Set
Tropical Prow
50-1500 Rupees
A prow made with swaying palm trees in mind. No coconuts.
Tropic Set
Tourist Prow
50-1500 Rupees
A prow made for those looking for the romance of the sea!
Red Set
Golden Prow
1500 Rupees
An extravagant piece of ship art made from a golden pot.
Golden Set
Selling Price
Normal Anchor
0 Rupees
The S.S. Linebeck came equipped with this average anchor.
Linebeck Set
Bell Anchor
50-1500 Rupees
A modern, bell-shaped anchor. Ironically, it doesn't ring.
Bright Set
Iron Anchor
50-1500 Rupees
An iron-spiked anchor that can secure a ship in a storm.
Iron Set
Ancient Anchor
50-1500 Rupees
An anchor shaped from the mold of an ancient statue.
Stone Set
Swim Ring
50-1500 Rupees
It is what it is... No one knows if it works as an anchor.
Vintage Set
Sickle Anchor
50-1500 Rupees
An anchor made in the image of an evil sickle. Scary!
Demon Set
Shell Anchor
50-1500 Rupees
An anchor made from a shell. Girls go wild for it!
Tropic Set
Weighty Anchor
50-1500 Rupees
A three-pronged anchor. No frills, but it gets the job done!
Red Set
Gem Anchor
1500 Rupees
An anchor patterned after a gem. A sure hit with celebrities!
Golden Set
Selling Price
Standard Hull
0 Rupees
The original hull of the S.S. Linebeck. Nothing Special.
Linebeck Set
Bright Hull
50-1500 Rupees
A modified hull from a standard ship with a fancy yellow spot.
Bright Set
Iron Hull
50-1500 Rupees
Looks strong and heavy. Too bad it's neither.
Iron Set
Stone Hull
50-1500 Rupees
A hull that looks like an ancient stronghold. The deck is so green!
Stone Set
Vintage Hull
50-1500 Rupees
A worn, rugged hull with a manly, burly style of its own.
Vintage Set
Demon Ship
50-1500 Rupees
A scary ship said to ferry the foulest of evils.
Demon Set
Tropical Ship
50-1500 Rupees
A themed ship with the appeal of a private tropical oasis.
Tropic Set
Dignified Ship
50-1500 Rupees
A hull with a very serious red and black paint scheme.
Red Set
Golden Hull
1500 Rupees
A hull that delivers an experience in pure extravagance.
Golden Set
Selling Price
Eddo's Cannon
0 Rupees
A cannon bought from Eddo for the high price of 50 Rupees.
Linebeck Set
Artistic Cannon
50-1500 Rupees
A cannon with truly avant-garde design. Catches the eye!
Bright Set
Strong Cannon
50-1500 Rupees
It looks menacing and efficient. It's actually rather typical.
Iron Set
Ancient Cannon
50-1500 Rupees
A cannon surrounded with the glory of an ancient age.
Stone Set
Meager Cannon
50-1500 Rupees
Looks like it would shatter after a single fire, but it's tough!
Vintage Set
Fear Cannon
50-1500 Rupees
Some suspect it can fire cannonballs of pure malice.
Demon Set
Seapony Cannon
50-1500 Rupees
A cannon shaped like a seapony. This pony packs punch!
Tropic Set
Red Cannon
50-1500 Rupees
Looks complex, but it's easy to use. The professional standard.
Red Set
Golden Cannon
1500 Rupees
The perfectly designed cannon. Truly the gold standard!
Golden Set
Selling Price
Simple Handrail
0 Rupees
The handrail that came stock on Linebeck's ship.
Linebeck Set
Arch Handrail
50-1500 Rupees
It draws attention for its playful and ornate design.
Bright Set
Chain Handrail
50-1500 Rupees
A handrail forged with hefty chains so it wont break easily.
Iron Set
Pillar Handrail
50-1500 Rupees
Made from pillars of exotic ruins. It was recently recovered.
Stone Set
Worn Handrail
50-1500 Rupees
In dire need of repair, but its design adds a lot of flavor!
Vintage Set
Spike Handrail
50-1500 Rupees
Made from monstrous horns. Actually not a handrail at all.
Demon Set
Wood Handrail
50-1500 Rupees
A very basic handrail. Sometimes basics are best!
Tropic Set
Utility Handrail
50-1500 Rupees
A handrail that works even in violently churning seas.
Red Set
Golden Handrail
1500 Rupees
Note the elegant curve and design. A true masterpiece!
Golden Set
Selling Price
Steady Bridge
0 Rupees
The original bridge of Linebecks ship. It's a common style.
Linebeck Set.
Restful Cabin
50-1500 Rupees
Soothing design offers an escape from the stress of battle.
Bright Set
Conning Tower
50-1500 Rupees
A bridge designed for those with battle on their minds.
Iron Set
Peaceful Bridge
With its temple like serenity, it offers peace and comfort.
Stone Set
Barrel Shack
50-1500 Rupees
A modest design for the environmentally conscious!
Vintage Set
Demon Prison
50-1500 Rupees
A prison designed to cage the foulest villains!
Demon Set
Shell Apartment
50-1500 Rupees
Top creature comforts combined with the smell of ocean air.
Tropic Set
Practical Bridge
50-1500 Rupees
Created for those who live their years on the high seas.
Red Set
Golden Bridge
1500 Rupees
A golden interior fit for royalty. The bed is oh-so fluffy too.
Golden Set
Selling Price
Normal Chimney
0 Rupees
The normal chimney that came with Linebeck's ship.
Linebeck Set
Elegant Chimney
50-1500 Rupees
A simple shape, but something about it is so enticing.
Bright Set
Parasol Chimney
50-1500 Rupees
A chimney made of iron. Caution: gets very hot when used!
Iron Set
Stone Chimney
50-1500 Rupees
A chimney once used by a bread baker. Smells fresh baked!
Stone Set
Strange Chimney
50-1500 Rupees
Looks a little like garbage, but that's its main appeal!
Vintage Set
Demon Chimney
50-1500 Rupees
A chimney built for bubbling pots of white-hot magma.
Demon Set
Horn Chimney
50-1500 Rupees
An artistic chimney filled with rustic charm.
Tropic Set
Tall Chimney
50-1500 Rupees
Towering over the horizon, all chimneys aspire to its glory.
Red Set
Golden Chimney
1500 Rupees
A simple chimney, but its surfaces gleam mysteriously.
Golden Set
Selling Price
Normal Wheel
0 Rupees
The Paddle that came stock on Linebeck's ship.!
Linebeck Set
Paddling Wheel
50-1500 Rupees
A wheel with bent paddles. It streams your ship along!
Bright Set
Battle Wheel
50-1500 Rupees
A wheel rumored to have been made from a battleship screw.
Iron Set
Rock Wheel
50-1500 Rupees
A wheel some say was made from a giant's dinner plate.
Stone Set
Simple Wheel
50-1500 Rupees
The number of paddles was cut to four to simplify it.
Vintage Set
Insect Wheel
50-1500 Rupees
A wheel made from the hollow shell of a red insect. Ewww!
Demon Set
Shell Wheel
50-1500 Rupees
Created from the shell of a huge snail. A mysterious design.
Tropic Set
Red Wheel
50-1500 Rupees
A wheel with nothing special. That is what draws many to it.
Red Set
Golden Wheel
1500 Rupees
An intricately carved wheel made by a brilliant artisan.
Golden Set
Inaccuracy warning: Possible inaccurate information ends here.
Ship parts by Set
Passable Prow
Bell Prow
Drill Prow
Mermaid Prow
Log Prow
Demon Prow
Tropical Prow
Tourist Prow
Golden Prow
Normal Anchor
Bell Anchor
Iron Anchor
Ancient Anchor
Swim Ring
Sickle Anchor
Shell Anchor
Weighty Anchor
Gem Anchor
Standard Hull
Bright Hull
Iron Hull
Stone Hull
Vintage Hull
Demon Ship
Tropical Ship
Dignified Ship
Golden Hull
Eddo's Cannon
Artistic Cannon
Strong Cannon
Ancient Cannon
Meager Cannon
Fear Cannon
Seapony Cannon
Red Cannon
Golden Cannon
Simple Handrail
Arch Handrail
Chain Handrail
Pillar Handrail
Worn Handrail
Spike Handrail
Wood Handrail
Utility Handrail
Golden Handrail
Steady Bridge
Restful Cabin
Conning Tower
Peaceful Bridge
Barrel Shack
Demon Prison
Shell Apartment
Practical Bridge
Golden Bridge
Normal Chimney
Elegant Chimney
Parasol Chimney
Stone Chimney
Strange Chimney
Demon Chimney
Horn Chimney
Tall Chimney
Golden Chimney
Normal Wheel
Paddling Wheel
Battle Wheel
Stone Wheel
Simple Wheel
Insect Wheel
Shell Wheel
Red Wheel
Golden Wheel
Obtaining Ship Parts[]
The easiest way to get Ship Parts is to salvage Pirate Ships after defeating them.
At one point in the game, Linebeck will send Link letters containing a random ship part.
In the Temple of the Ocean King, if all the Phantoms on a floor are killed, a Treasure Chest will appear containing either treasure on floors from 2 to 6, a ship part on floors 7 to 9, or Rupees on floors 10 to 12. Link will also receive two random ship parts at the very bottom of the Temple of the Ocean King. The more time Link has remaining in the Phantom Hourglass when he reaches the dungeon's end will determine how valuable the ship parts are. It is possible to reach the final room with a full 25 minutes in the hourglass, albeit very challenging.
Mailing Prize Postcards, and "losing", the next day, if Link "lost" he will get a ship part.
Link can obtain rare Golden Ship Parts from Fuzo by obtaining four different Big Plays in Battle Mode.
Since the Ship Parts obtained are entirely random, it is possible to save the game before getting a Ship Part. If the Part obtained is not the one desired, the player can restart the game until he or she recovers the desired Ship Part.
Non-Canon Appearances[]
Non-canon warning: This article or section contains non-canonical information that is not considered to be an official part of the Legend of Zelda series and should not be considered part of the overall storyline.
As part of the Phantom Hourglass & Spirit Tracks DLC, Iron and Golden Ship appear as Item Cards on the Grand Travels Map. These Item Cards temporarily grant "Captain Powers" which last for a certain number of battles.