Skull Kid Artwork (Majora's Mask)
Xykeb Zraliv – 1. A great many years took place after the Year of the Arrogant Man, and the Prince who had been the Arrogant Man remained in the court of the King and learned many lessons for which he was grateful.
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Is Baris the guy that says he likes figurines? Because if so, he's part of the figurine sidequest. He lets you in his house if you get every figurine, which is the one with two entrances but the one of the left only lets you see stuff, not take it.
McGillivray227 – Yeah, that's perfectly clear, Mickey, yeah. Just give me a minute to confer with my colleague. [...] Did you understand a single word of what he just said? -- Turkish, Snatch
TALK My Sandbox · Games I've Played · Four Swords Adventures Walkthrough
Does Baris only show up at certain point in the game, or is he always near Mama's Cafe? I checked when I saw the post, and no one was at the tables outside Mama's Cafe, and nobody inside talked about Figurines.
Skull Kid Artwork (Majora's Mask)
Xykeb Zraliv – 9. “This Cunning Thief, who sups with most unworthy company, is the one who will guide the Bridgekeeper to his destiny, and so I will have him be spared the wrath of this house.”
TALK – it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts
Yes, the guy outside the Mama's Cafe that talks about figurines shows up later in the game. And if I am correct in my presumption, this guy is Baris, and information about his house should be added. I would like somebody to confirm that this is correct or tell me who Baris really is (and who the figurine-loving guy is) if I am wrong.
McGillivray227 – Pandemonium doesn't reign around here... it pours. -- Babs Bunny, Tiny Toon Adventures
TALK My Sandbox · Games I've Played · Four Swords Adventures Walkthrough
I believe it is his house, but I never got all the figurines, and never got in the house. You also have the house backwards, you can enter the left side to take it, and the right side shows stuff. I haven't met anyone else who likes figurines, and I've only seen him once, but didn't have all the figurines.
Skull Kid Artwork (Majora's Mask)
Xykeb Zraliv – 6. “The Body comes second. Only those who have their flesh teased and torn with blade and fire will know the Blessed Agony of the Body.
TALK – it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts
No, I am absolutely certain that you take things by entering the right side. So you're sure that Baris is the one that likes figurines? I never got his name since I did an alternate kinstone fusion and didn't end up fusing with him at any point.
McGillivray227 – Yeah, that's perfectly clear, Mickey, yeah. Just give me a minute to confer with my colleague. [...] Did you understand a single word of what he just said? -- Turkish, Snatch
TALK My Sandbox · Games I've Played · Four Swords Adventures Walkthrough
If he is in the Castle Town, I'll check everyone out to see if anyone else talks about figurines.
Skull Kid Artwork (Majora's Mask)
Xykeb Zraliv – 6. There was the Thief-Wife, who came to the house of the Bridgekeeper to corrupt the Bridgekeeper with her whorish ways and to travel the land of Technology spreading stories and lies of what she found.
TALK – it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts
No, I know that there's just one guy by Mama's Cafe that talks about figurines. I just want to know if this guy is Baris, since apparently Baris sits near the Mama's Cafe. Basically, if you can attempt a kinstone fuse with the figurine guy near Mama's Cafe, do so and check what his name is. If it's Baris, then the two characters are the same.

McGillivray227 – Things are only impossible until they're not. -- Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
TALK My Sandbox · Games I've Played · Four Swords Adventures Walkthrough
I checked over the guy sitting near Mama's Cafe, and he started talking about figurines. I'm not sure how to get his name as he doesn't introduce himself, and I couldn't do a kinstone fuse with him, but it might open up after all the figurines are collected. If Baris sits near Mama's Cafe, then the figurine guy, and Baris are one and the same. Hope that clears it up!