The books the Minish live in:
- The Mysterious Nut (不思議の木の実 Fushigi no Kinomi?)
- Tub & Hose (盥とホース Tarai to Hōsu?) 1 & 2
- Flower Encyclopedia (お花図鑑 Ohana Zukan?)
- Festival Customs (祭の仕来たり Matsuri no Shikitari?)
- Philosophy (哲学 Tetsugaku?) 1 ~ 4
- Festival Songs (祭の歌 Matsuri no Uta?)
- Ancient Civilizations (古代文明 Kodai Bunmei?)
- History of Hyrule (ハイラルの歴史 Hairaru no Rekishi?)
I'm not entirely sure about #2 (I think it might be "Triforce", or at least a pun on it), so if someone could get a good screen rip of that mini-map, I could check again. This is all in Old (TWW) Hylian, by the way.