Toon Link
Waker-of-the-Winds – You played the Wind's Requiem
TALK Waker-of-the-Winds (talk) 16:34, April 30, 2010 (UTC)
Are you guys sure that it was Nintendo's strategy guide? Because I read spmewhere that it was prima. Which has a lot of mistakes.
General Onox
EveryDayJoe45 – "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."--Robert F. Kennedy
It is indeed Prima's. Nintendo stopped making there own official guides after the Oracles or something. That being said, it is still considered the "official guide" of Nintendo.
Toon Link
Waker-of-the-Winds – You played the Wind's Requiem
TALK Waker-of-the-Winds (talk) 16:39, April 30, 2010 (UTC)
That still doesn't mean that they're always right though. And you replied FAST.


Toon Link
Waker-of-the-Winds – You played the Wind's Requiem
TALK Waker-of-the-Winds (talk) 16:38, April 30, 2010 (UTC)
Umm, the page says that the difference between him and Link is that he has a pom-pom on his hat, and a heart on his belt, but there's one more thing, he has blue boots. And why am I posting this, when I can just put this on? Oh well, anything else that involves his biography can be added here.