General Onox
EveryDayJoe45 – "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."--Benjamin Franklin
Isn't he male since it wears green?
Triforce 14 — The pen is mightier than the sword if it has been sharpened to a fine point, dipped in deadly poison and is thrown from ten feet away. But really, you're better off with a sword.
I suppose, never really picked up on that. Heh, they're like smurfs, one female and a bagillion males :P
Gleeok Skeleton (Oracle of Seasons)
Sir Real – Objectivism is the justification for the indefensible. A defiant plea for those who are already guilty. A twisted, revolting pseudo-philosophy that both exonerates and idolizes selfishness, greed, and a purposeful lack of concern for anyone but oneself.
I don't think cloak color would determine sex. For all we know, there could be an equal number of male and female Subrosians, but for most of them, we don't know what their sexes are because of their cloaks.
AuronKaizer - "It says here that 19 were committed due to... disappointed expectations! Henry, they're talking about you!"
We have to go with what the games give us to work with here. The only known female I'm sure of is Rosa, who has an orange cloak.
If you have more evidence than I think there is, feel free to stop reading this and just post it. Anyway; It's just flawed logic to assume that since the one confirmed female Subrosian is wearing orange, all female Subrosians would be wearing orange. It's more likely that she was given a different color (I don't think there were anymore orange ones, but if so they're rare) because she is a more important character, being the most significant Subrosian in the game (and the only one with a proper name). It's also more likely that the orange has to do with her celebrity status than her being female. And all three of the other colors are confirmed to be worn by males (the strange brothers are blue and red, and the Master is green and referred to as a he). To be honest with ourselves, we're just desperate to not call the Sign-Loving Subrosion (and also the Subrosian Chef if I'm not mistaken) "it", so we're slapping on a gender based on one very inconclusive source of evidence, right? I mean yeah, that's probably the best alternative, but I just want to make sure no one thinks this green=male thing is concrete (let me know if there's some evidence I'm missing).--FierceDeku 22:52, January 25, 2011 (UTC)

I never said it wasn't flawed. Anyway, Triforce probably added it for a reason. --AuronKaizer! 23:23, January 25, 2011 (UTC)

Looks like that reason is seen in the first two post of this talk page. There's kind of a ? and "I suppose" there, so I'm not exactly burning with confidence here. Calling a Subrosian "it" would be weird though, so I see why we might rather just pick a gender in this case.--FierceDeku 23:44, January 25, 2011 (UTC)

I like this person.

Please only use the article's talk page for discussing the article's content and how to improve it. Jedimasterlink (talk) 19:54, February 2, 2011 (UTC)


Right, I'm fairly sure this article needs an 'Unofficial name' sign on it. I've never played it, but by the sound of things, his name in the article is unofficial. AWWW YEA! (talk) 10:37, August 12, 2012 (UTC)

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i86/Kaizer13/AgoraphobicPutrescenceDominance.png (Maybe you should play actually play the games first.) --AuronKaizer! 13:05, August 12, 2012 (UTC)

On that note, though, shouldn't we name the article "Sign-Loving Subrosian" since that's how it's written in the game? Xykeb Yvolix Zraliv 01:10, August 13, 2012 (UTC)

I don't think there's much disputing that. Might just be the smallest move in history (regarding the amount of visible representation that needs to be changed not the level of work involved to actually move it that is). Oni Dark Link 01:14, August 13, 2012 (UTC)
If it's done in the game, I feel it should be up as it is in the game. – Jazzi (talk) 01:35, August 13, 2012 (UTC)