So what should this page be categorized as? Mini game or game? And should Nintendo Land get a page? On one hand it's a game with a large section based on Zelda like Super Smash Bros and Soul Calibur which have pages. On the other hand pretty much all Zelda related info in the game can be mentioned here (based on what we've seen so far of the game). Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? Oni Dark Link 21:55, June 6, 2012 (UTC)
Being a recipient of this fine console and associated game, it has come to my attention that terms such as "Goron" and "Deku" are spoken by the character of non-evil GLaDOS Monita. As this is an official Nintendo product, should these pronuncations be considered "legit" as such? --AuronKaizer! 10:57, December 20, 2012 (UTC)