Hylian Space
Oath to Order – The perceived badassery of any given action will increase tenfold if the action is performed while on fire.
TALK – 0_o
You don't think we can get some sources? maybe a link to whatever site this came from.

Twilit Bloat
Fused Shadow – Undo darkness... Undo light... Create Twilight
TALK – {{{time}}}
Hear, hear.

A quick Google search brings up this website http://zeldamobile.gorthwogh.net/. It's a fan game for mobile phones based on The Legend of Zelda.--Richard 20:44, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

Aquamentus (Oracle of Seasons)
Oni Dark Link – "And after the crowed has grown tired of your screams I will walk up and sit beside you. Then I will stare into your eyes and fill them with my malice - Antoine Richis(I might be slightly wrong with this one but no one here will really know since the film that this quote came from was never properly released in America and the internet is full of noting but Americans)"
TALK – {{{time}}}~ evaluations reviews walkthrough
Judging from those screen shots and my own experience of the game (I played through the first two dungeons) it appears the game has many differences to the origenal like heart containers and is that a hook shot? I also remember the need for a bomb bag before being able to just pick up bombs