Week 99: Byrne vs. Linebeck
"'Linebeck!'" 28.5 < 36 |
LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLADIES AND GENTLEMENNNNNNNNNNNNN!!! Brought to you by the mythical, benevolent Fairies of the Temple of Courage, we present to you the 99th battle for supremacy! This week we have two beloved characters from recent installments in the series. Both are initially indifferent and uncaring towards the hero of the games, but become trusted allies to the point that they sacrifice themselves for the greater good! Let us meet our two combatants in the ring. In the green corner is a mysterious man skilled in martial arts and has one mechanical arm, which boasts great strength. Despite being the second-hand man of the hero's antagonistic counterpart, his loyalty is to battle, not any one "master." Eventually, he sacrifices his life for Link, and his true nature is revealed. THIS... IS... BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYRNE!!! In the blue corner is an egotistical, sarcastic and self-serving treasure hunter with his very own steam ship. Initially, he agrees to aid the hero only for the promised reward of a huge amount of treasure, but he grows to like him and becomes wrapped up in the events leading to the defeat of evil and the restoration of peace to the World of the Ocean King. Also, his grandson would later help a descendant of the hero during another quest. THIS... IS... LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINEBECK!!! Next week may be the 100th battle in the Temple, but firstly, we have a battle against two choice characters here, so there is nothing to say but... LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREADY TO RUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBLE!!! | ||||||
Votes for Byrne
Anonymous votes
Votes for Linebeck
Anonymous votes
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Peanut GalleryThank god I'm not the only one who loved Byrne's fight music! --Jäzzi (talk) 02:05, May 17, 2010 (UTC)
And look now, we have people voting for Bryne because he's ripped, and has a giant claw. Not saying you can't do that, I just feel that it makes more sense to vote for the one you like. This is kinda the thing that will happen with Flute Boy vs. Skull Kid. Aside from a few honest votes, the majority of the Skull Kid votes will be: He's from MM/He has Majora's Mask/He is from Majora's Mask/etc. And if I'm wrong great, I would really love to see that people vote for the one they like more. But if I'm right.....-- C2 / CC 10:46, May 17, 2010 (UTC)
Anonymous vote #3 makes me want to cry for a number of reasons. -Isdrakthül 23:38, May 18, 2010 (UTC)
He/she voted for Linebeck so thank you, but Anonymous vote #4 for Linebeck is just...wow. Even after AK made a warning. Darax
Wow, it's still a tie. -- Haru Mclean Namikaze Kana: ???? ? ? ?????, Romaji: Namikaze Haru Makurin
Current score is Byrne: 26.5 Linebeck: 25.5. Wow. When was the last time we had one that was this close? Sir Real (talk) 21:56, May 20, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, Yeah, Anon voter #9 on Byrne's side. Let's see how you did, shall we? 1. I referred to the reaction for the reason that it was memorable. It doesn't matter what he did in the other parts of the game. i didn't refer to them specifically. 2. I stated my opinion, and you stated yours. We're both technically right. I was stating it as a reason why I voted for him. 3. Linebeck only went against Link in the end because he was possessed. He apologized, too, even though it wasn't even his fault. And I referred to the shaking thing. SHAKE ATTACK PWNS ALL!!! 4. Your opinion is that Linebeck's coat is nerdy? Well, MY opinion is that Byrne's "bandanna thing" around his mouth makes him look like a terrorist. Happy? Also, nerds are the best people on Earth, I'm one myself, so yeah. (That's my opinion.) 5. How would you know that? Shaking can cause severe whiplash and internal bleeding, and if prolonged, it CAN kill a person. That's why you don't shake babies. And Link doesn't count as a baby, either... Linebeck COULD kill Byrne by shaking him. 6. Linebeck actually helped fight Bellum, as I said. That single decision saved everyone. What did Byrne do? He lost to two kids, got beat up by his employer (that says something about his work), and all he did in the BIG EPIC FINAL BATTLE was make a shield. Yep. A shield, instead of helping to fight. 7. HE IS LINEBECK refers to all the reasons i already listed, PLUS those my fellow Linebeck supporters listed. 8. He may be those things, but he did change in the end. So did Byrne. I say Linebeck changed more though, he DID help fight (Cowardly gets striked out), he declined a wish for treasure (Selfishness gets striked out), and at the end when Ciela talks to him, he turns around for some reason. I think that he was actually going to say goodbye, but he passed back into the other world before he could. While Linebeck was getting possessed, he said Link's name, possibly for thanking him/asking for help. Byrne didn't talk at all while he was getting killed my Malladus. --DekuStick Master anonymous voter 10 on Byrne's side stole my vote...this amuses meDevdude (talk) 20:43, May 23, 2010 (UTC)
Updating in a little mo'; this is proof for W. --AuronKaizer! 21:38, May 23, 2010 (UTC) |
Week 98: Dekadin vs. Kamo
"'Dekadin'" |
LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLADIES AND GENTLEMENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!! It is now time for this week's battle, being the ninety-eighth in the series. The Spectacular 100th Fight is looming ever closer, but we mustn't lose sight of the present, and this week, we have a very special battle for you. A battle between two depressed (and depressing) social recluses who shun the society in which they find themselves. However, with the public spotlight now thrust upon them, which of these anti-social characters will walk out the winner? Let us see what has brought these two combatants here today. In the purple corner is a young Labrynnan boy who likes living in darkness. Reader of touching literature, he does not initially appear to have that great of a sense of humor, but show him a joke manifested as an oversized moustache and he will laugh as heartily as you'll ever be likely to. THIS... IS... DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKAAAAAAAAADIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!! In the light red corner is a young man from the Great Sea, who has appeared in the Temple of Courage before. Convinced that nobody understands how he feels, hopelessly in love with a girl, he gazes at the moon, which appears to comfort him. While maintaining an uncaring façade, a sensitive, likable guy is found underneath. THIS... IS... KAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! And now, these two similar characters will battle it out in the ring. This week's battle is sponsored by Johnson & Co., your one-stop shop for legal advice. If there is anyone who wishes to object to this battle, speak now or forever hold your peace? Nothing? No? Good. Then there is nothing to say but... LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREADY TO RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBLE!!! | ||||||
Votes for Dekadin
Anonymous votes |
Votes for Kamo
Anonymous votes
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Peanut GalleryIt's here! Just use the Lens of Truth to find it! The™ 19:55, May 12, 2010 (UTC)
Week 97: Gillian vs. Mama
"'Gillian'" 24.5 > 9.5 |
In the blue corner is the owner of the Cafe Bar on Windfall Island, the de facto capital of the Great Sea. Always happy to serve customers, be they little men with serious aversions towards noises or bloodthirsty, bomb-stealin' pirates, and the lover of a Fishman... THIS... IS... GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAN!!! In the pink corner is the proprietor of her self-named cafe in Hyrule Town, the geographical and economical center of Hyrule. Always staying in the loop as far as gossip is concerned, and being self-employed, has the chance to fuse Kinstones during working hours once in a while... THIS... IS... MAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! And now, paid for by the Trilateral Commission, it's time to indulge your animal impulses by watching barmaids battle it out. What is there to say but...LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRRRRRRRREADY TO RRRRRRRRUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBLE!!! | ||||||
Votes for Gillian
Anonymous votes
Votes for Mama
Anonymous votes
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Peanut GalleryBleh, I just don't find this fight interesting... I don't feel like voting... --DekuStick Master
Gillian is wiping the floor of the Cafe Bar with Mama. -Isdrakthül 00:02, May 6, 2010 (UTC)
Umm... Anonymous voter who said you "prefer the more plain type"... It's not like you have a shot with either of them... ever. --Braelolk
i don't mean to be rude or anything but, did anyone besides me notice that the intro says red when Mama is backrounded by pink 13:57, May 8, 2010 (UTC)
Week 96: Gekko vs. Grim Creeper
"'Gekko'" 25 > 12 |
LLLLLLLLLLLADIES AND GENTLEMENNNNNNNN! For the ninety-sixth consecutive time, Zeldapedia brings you the winner of sweeps week in fall programming, the testosterone-filled cultural phenomenon that is the TEMPLE. OF. COOOOOOOOOOOOOOURAGE! And this week, we have a battle against two mini-bosses who battle the hero, whom we all know and love, not only once but twice! Let's see the Tale of the Tape of this week's contestants on the JumboTron!
In the orange corner, we have a breed of mischievous amphibian creatures with a mocking laughter and disdain for heroes. Whether riding a shell-backed tortoise or messing around inside a pile of goo, they always makes sure to torture their opponents as much as possible...THEY. ARE. THE GEEEEEEEEKKOOOOOOOOOOOS!!! In the red corner is a creature who is no newcomer to the Temple of Courage. Always surrounded by his minions, whom he considers his brothers, this fiendish apparition guards Eagle's Tower, and upon the defeat of his brothers, retreats, only to return later to protect the Organ of Evening Calm, riding a bird mount...THIS. IS. THE GRRRRRRRRRIMMMMM CRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPERRRRRRRRR!!! Now then, we have two famous mini-bosses of the Zelda series, ready and willing to tear off each others' heads in this grueling upcoming battle. I've overspent my welcome so, LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRRRRRRRREADY TO RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLE!!! | ||||||
Votes for Gekko
Anonymous votes
Votes for Grim Creeper
Anonymous votes
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Peanut Galleryto whomever made the opening-- i saw only one problem with it.. Gekko is an- get ready for the big surprise- amphibian. which is kind of made obvious due to his highly webbed toes and obssessive ribbiting
How come Gekko's description is part of the opening paragraph instead of being separate?--DarkTriforce (talk) 22:27, April 26, 2010 (UTC)
Week 95: Hyrule Guards vs. Phantom Guardians
"'Phantom Guardians'" 21.5 < 31 |
LLLLLLLLADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Zeldapedia once again brings you another adrenaline-filled, action-packed week of the TEMPLE OF COURAGE! With just five weeks to go until the big 100, this week's fight is between two groups of heavily armored and bewitched guardians! Without further ado, let's introduce our contestants!In the teal corner we have a group of guards who were formerly the Hylian King's loyal subjects. Brainwashed by Agahnim, they will charge or launch projectiles at anyone who gets in their way. Clad in armor the same color as our hero, THEY. ARE. THE HYRULE GUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARDS!!!
In the grey corner we have enemies that are so strong that Link needs a special sword just to hurt them! Forever guarding a mystic temple, these bad dudes will slice and dice you with their enormous swords if they spot you. Ghostly guards that get stronger with every rank, THEY. ARE. THE PHAAAAAAAAAAAANTOM GUAAAAAAAAAAAAAARDIANS!!! With everyone safely seated in the stands so our combatants won't charge them, we will know which one of these vigliant soldiers will triumph. Who will take the gold and earn the favor of their masters? That, my dear voters, is up to you. Now that introductions are out of the way: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRRRRREADY TO RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUMBLE!!! | ||||||
Votes for Hyrule Guards
Anonymous votes
Votes for Phantom Guardians
Anonymous votes
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Peanut GalleryUh, who did the opening this week? A little underwhelming, don't you think?--MaloMart (talk) 22:35, April 19, 2010 (UTC)
Farore.din.nayru, the fight is about Hyrule Guards. You're thinking of Hyrulean Soldiers. -Isdrakthul ( 01:07, April 21, 2010 (UTC))
i would like to give the pros and cons of both sides. hyrulian guards actually can be killed, buti believe there was a newer version (in link's awakening?). the phantoms are actually anoying in the aspect that they can't be killed until you get the phantom sword, but once you do, you can have all sorts of fun killing them for all the moments you watsed sneaking past them. how does that sound (if you have more pros or cons (or both) post them here, okay?:))